
How To Get Team Takeover 2k23

Here is the NBA 2K23 Badges & Takeover Guide, Assay, and Requirements, which lists all badges, badge tier lists, badge requirements for both current and next-gen, takeovers, takeover perks, how to unlock badges, likewise as a breakdown of tips, info, and more when you lot click on each individual badge.

Also Meet:
  • NBA 2K23 Best Builds
  • NBA 2K23 Core Badge Patterns Explained
  • NBA 2K23 All-time Badges for All Builds
  • NBA 2K23 How to Get Badges Fast
  • NBA 2K23 Animations Requirements (All)

How to Unlock Badges

  • Badges are organized past the skill categories of Finishing, Shooting, Playmaking, and Defense/Rebounding.
  • Badges are unlocked by accumulating enough points in each skill skill category that turn into Bluecoat Points. Earned Badge Points tin be spent on badges per skill category.
  • New Tiered Badges System. In that location are xvi badges per attribute category: viii in Tier 1, iv in Tier 2, and four in Tier three. Tier 1 badges are the to the lowest degree powerful for your role player, just also cost the least corporeality of bluecoat points.
  • Costs go up as yous climb the tiers and acquire the more than impactful badges. The basic idea is that you'll demand to equip a certain number of badges in the lower tiers before you tin can equip badges in the highest.
  • New "Cadre" badges, which are four unique badge slots (1 in each aspect category) that can exist filled with badges that don't count toward your bluecoat points.
  • Each core badge will accept a challenge requirement that, once met, will allow the badge to exist placed into a core badge slot.

NBA 2K23 Bluecoat Points (Next-Gen)

Name TIER one TIER two TIER iii
BRONZE i 3 5
SILVER 2 4 6
Gold iii 5 vii
HOF 4 6 8

Click on any of the individual badges to get the total NBA 2K23 Badges breakdown and analysis!  This includes a list of all-time builds for each badge, badge tips, badge info, and more than.

NBA 2K23 Badges Guide & Requirements

1. Finishing Badges
two. Shooting Badges
3. Playmaking Badges
4. Defense / Rebounding Badges
5. Badge Points & Req. (Last-Gen)
6. Takeover Guide
7. Takeover Perks

Finishing Badges

Badge Description Attribute B Due south Chiliad H Min Height Min Height
Acrobat Hop step, euro-step, cradle, reverse, and modify shot layup attempts receive a boost. Additionally, the power to beat out defenders with gathers is improved Driving Layup 65 76 84 94 5'7" 7'0"
Aeriform Wizard * Increases the ability to end an aisle-oop from a teammate, or putback a finish off an offensive rebound Driving Dunk 50 66 81 92
Standing Douse l 67 82 93
Backdown Punisher Let players to take more success than normal when backing down a defender in the pigment while posting upwards Post Control 55 72 80 87
Strength 65 76 86 94
Slap-up * Improves a thespian's ability to initiate contact and get to the rim on layups attempts Strength 74 82 89 95 half-dozen'2" 7'three"
Dream Milk shake Post movement fakes accept a higher risk of stunning a defender. Also, shot attempts following post fakes, shimmies, and shot fakes have an increased shot percentage Post Command 45 62 77 86
Dropstepper Allows for more than success when attempting post dropsteps and hop steps, in addition to protecting the ball amend, while performing these moves in the post Post Control 58 69 78 87
Fast Twitch Speeds upward the ability to get standing layups or dunks off earlier the defense has time to competition Close Shot 67 75 85 96
Standing Dunk 70 87 94 99
Fearless Finisher Strengthens a player's power to absorb contact and still finish. Also reduces the corporeality of energy lost from contact layups Close Shot 65 75 84 93
Driving Layup 67 77 87 96
Giant Slayer Boosts the shot percentage for a layup attempt when mismatched against a taller defender and reduces the possibility of getting blocked Shut Shot 48 57 68 77 5'vii" 7'0"
Driving Layup 55 63 seventy 80
Limitless Takeoff When attacking the handbasket, a histrion with this badge will commencement their dunk endeavour from father out than others Driving Dunk 65 79 86 96
Masher * Improves a player'southward power to finish well around the rim, particularly over smaller defenders Close Shot 63 73 82 95
Post Spin Technician Attempting to practise post spins or drives results in more effective moves, and less of a chance to be stripped Postal service Control 46 57 70 80
Posterizer Increases the chances of throwing down a dunk on your defender
Driving Dunk 72 85 93 99
Pro Bear upon Gives an extra shot boost for having slight early, slightly late, or splendid shot timing on layups. Layup timing must be turned on Close Shot 49 55 69 fourscore
Driving Layup 45 55 67 78
Rise Upwards Increases the likelihood of dunking or posterizing your opponent when standing in the painted area Standing Dunk 67 80 ninety 98 6'4" 7'3"
Slithery * Increases a histrion's ability to slide through traffic, protect the brawl from being stolen, and avoid contact during gathers and finishes at the rim Driving Layup 69 79 89 99
Driving Douse 70 84 92 98

Shooting Badges

Badge Clarification Attribute B S G H
Agent 3 * Improves the ability to make pull-up or spin shots from iii point range Three Point Shot 68 83 89 96
Amped * Reduces the penalty that fatigue has on a player and their ability to make shots Mid-Range Shot 59 70 78 85
Three Point Shot seventy 75 82 ninety
Blinders Jump shots taken with a defender closing out in their peripheral vision will suffer a lower penalty Mid-Range Shot 65 77 84 94
Three Indicate Shot lxx 80 89 97
Catch and Shoot For a short fourth dimension after receiving a pass, the receiver'south outside shooting attributes get a significant boost 3 Point Shot sixty 72 81 93
Claymore * Increases the ability to knock down perimeter shots when spotting up patiently 3 Point Shot 55 69 76 86
Clutch Shooter Shot attempts that occur during the last moments of the 4th quarter, or in whatever overtime flow, receive a large boost Mid Range Shot 49 59 69 79
3 Bespeak Shot 49 59 69 79
Comeback Kid * Boosts shooter's mid-range and three-point abilities when abaft in a game Mid Range Shot 40 50 60 70
3 Bespeak Shot 48 58 68 78
Corner Specialist Deep range shots taken forth the baseline of the court receive a boost, whether it is off the dribble or off a catch Three Betoken Shot threescore 69 79 89
Deadeye Jump shots taken with a defender endmost out receive less of a punishment from a shot contest Three Bespeak Shot 71 82 91 99
Green Auto Gives an boosted shot boost when consecutively achieving excellent releases on leap shots Mid Range Shot lx 71 lxxx 90
3 Point Shot threescore 73 82 82 91
Guard Upward * Increases the ability to make jump shots when defenders fail to properly contest Mid Range Shot 55 69 77 8660
Three Point Shot lx 73 83 90
Limitless Range * Extends the range from which a role player can shoot three-pointers finer from deep Three Point Shot 74 85 92 99
Middy Magician Boosts the effectiveness of pullups, spin shots, and fadeaways from the mid-range surface area Mid Range Shot fifty 64 73 81
Slippery Off-Ball When attempting to go open off screens, the player more than effectively navigates through traffic Mid Range Shot twoscore fifty threescore lxx
Three Indicate Shot 40 l threescore 70
Space Creator Increases a actor'south to both hit shots afterward creating infinite from the defender, also as cantankerous upward an opponent on step-back moves Mid Range Shot 52 64 73 fourscore
Three Point Shot 53 65 74 83
Volume Shooter Afterward a actor has taken a small handful of shots, an additional boost to shot attributes is given for every subsequent shot, whether it's a make or a miss
Mid Range Shot 45 59 68 78
Three Point Shot fifty 64 73 80

Playmaking Badges

Badge Description Attribute B Southward G H Min Acme Max Height
Ankle Billow When performing stepbacks and other certain moves, the defender stumbles or falls more frequently when bitter the wrong way Ball Handle 55 65 71 81 v'vii" half dozen'9"
Bail Out Passing out of a jump shot or layup yields fewer errant passes than normal. Additionally, helps passing out of double teams Laissez passer Accurateness 65 78 85 94
Interruption Starter After grabbing a defensive board, deep outlet passes made upward the court are more than accurate. Passes must exist made quickly following the defensive rebound
Pass Accurateness 55 65 76 86
Clamp Billow * Improves a thespian'southward ability to fight off contact, protect the ball, and bulldoze past opponents as the ball-handler Brawl Handle 64 77 87 96
Dimer When in the half-courtroom, passes past Dimers to open shooters yield a shot percent heave Pass Accurateness 64 69 80 85
Flooring Full general Teammates receive an offensive attribute bonus when player is in the game Pass Accuracy 62 69 79 86
Handles For Days A player takes less of an free energy hit when performing consecutive distill moves, allowing them to chain together combos quicker and for longer periods of time Brawl Handle lxx 85 94 99 5'7" 7'0
Hyperdrive Increases the speed at which a player can perform moving distill moves as the attack downwards the court Ball Handle 59 69 83 92 5'7" vi'10
Speed With Ball 55 67 80 90 five'7" six'x
Killer Combos * Improves a player's ability to chain together efficient dribble moves when sizing upwardly their opponent Ball Handle 65 78 88 97 5'7" 6'10
Mismatch Expert * Improves the players ability to beat taller defenders off the dribble in ane-on-ane situations when they're switched onto them Ball Handle 71 86 93 98
Needle Threader When passing through a tight window between defenders, a boost is given to the player's passing ability Pass Accuracy 65 70 86 92
Postal service Playmaker When passing our of the post or after an offensive rebound, receivers are given a shot boost Laissez passer Accuracy 45 59 73 83
Quick First Step When driving out of a triple threat or after a size-up, ball handlers take access to quicker, and more effective, launches Post Control 80 87 94 99
Ball Handle seventy 77 85 89
Speed With Brawl 66 76 84 88
Special Commitment Increases alley-oop throw success and shot chance for receivers after a flashy laissez passer. Additionally, information technology enables the ability to throw alley-oops off the backboard Laissez passer Accurateness 47 57 67 77
Unpluckable Defenders have a tougher fourth dimension poking the ball gratuitous with their steal attempts Mail Control 65 75 84 95
Ball Handle 65 75 84 95
Vice Grip * Increases a player's ability to secure the brawl confronting steal attempts after obtaining possession from a rebound, catch, or loose brawl
Post Control 45 57 77 91
Ball Handle fifty 60 75 90

Defense / Rebounding Badges

Badge Description Attribute B S Chiliad H Min Height Max Height
Anchor * Increases a thespian'south ability to block shots and protect the rim at a loftier level Block 70 87 93 99 half dozen'4" seven'3"
Ankle Braces Lowers the likelihood of getting ankle-broken by opposing distill moves Perimeter Defense 55 67 76 86 5'7" 6'eleven"
Boxout Beast * Helps rebounders win boxout battles on both offense and defensive rebounding situations Offensive Rebound 48 67 82 94
Defensive Rebound 48 67 82 94
Strength threescore lxx 83 91
Brick Wall Increases the effectiveness of screens, is tough to backdown in the mail, and drains energy from opponents on physical contact Interior Defense force 72 89 96 99 vi'5 seven'3
Forcefulness 65 76 86 94
Challenger * Improves the effectiveness of well-timed contests confronting perimeter shooters Perimeter Defense 69 79 86 95
Hunt Down Artist Boosts the speed and leaping ability of a player when he is chasing down an offensive player in apprehension of a block try Block 47 59 75 88
Clamps Defenders accept access to quicker cut off moves and are more than successful when bumping or hip riding the brawl handler Perimeter Defense 70 86 92 97 5'seven" 6'9"
Glove * Increases the ability to successfully steal from ball-handlers Steal 64 85 95 99
Interceptor The frequency of successfully tipped or intercepted passes greatly increases Steal 58 78 xc 99
Menace While guarding and staying in front of an opponent, their attributes volition drop if good defense is beingness played Perimeter Defence force 55 68 77 87 5'7" half-dozen'10"
Off-Ball Pest Makes players more difficult to go past when playing off-ball, as the tin grab and concur their matchup and don't get their ankles broken equally often Perimeter Defence 35 45 55 65
Selection Dodger Improves a player's ability to navigate through and around screens while on defense. At the Hall of Fame level, can blow through screens in the park or blacktop Perimeter Defense 64 76 85 94
Pogo Stick Allows players to apace become support for some other jump upon landing. This could be later a rebound, cake attempt, or even jumpshot Block 67 83 92 98
Offensive Rebound 69 84 92 99
Defensive Rebound 69 84 84 99
Post Lockdown Strengthens a histrion's power to effectively defend moves in the mail, with an increased chance at stripping the opponent Interior Defence force 68 80 88 93
Rebound Chaser Improves a histrion'due south ability to rail down rebounds from further distances than normal Offensive Rebound seventy 85 93 99
Defensive Rebound 70 85 93 99
Work Horse * Increases a player'due south speed and ability to go loose balls over the opponent Interior Defense 47 55 68 82
Perimeter Defense 47 55 76 86

NBA 2K23 Badge Points & Req. (Last-Gen)

Bluecoat Attribute Min Pinnacle Max Tiptop B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8
Acrobat Driving Layup v'7" 65 76 76 84 84 84 94 94 94
Aeriform Wizard Driving Dunk 50 66 66 81 81 92 92
Standing Dunk 50 67 67 82 82 93 93
Driving Dunk 50 66 66 81 81 81 92 92 92
Standing Dunk 50 67 67 82 82 82 93 93 93
Backdown Punisher Post Command 55 72 80 87
Force 65 76 86 94
Smashing Strength 6'2" 7'iii" 74 82 89 95
Dream Milk shake Post Control 45 62 62 77 77 86 86
Dropstepper Mail Command 58 69 69 78 78 87 87
Fast Twitch Close Shot 67 75 85 96
Continuing Dunk lxx 87 94 99
Fearless Finisher Close Shot 65 75 75 84 84 93 93
Driving Layup 67 77 77 87 87 96 96
Giant Slayer Close Shot five'7" 7'0" 48 57 68 68 77 77
Driving Layup 55 63 70 70 fourscore 80
Limitless Takeoff Driving Dunk 65 79 79 86 86 96 96
Masher Shut Shot 63 73 73 82 82 82 96 95 95
Post Spin Technician Post Control 46 57 57 70 70 80 eighty
Posterizer Driving Douse 72 85 93 99
Pro Touch Close Shot 49 55 55 69 69 69 fourscore lxxx 80
Driving Layup 45 55 55 67 67 67 78 78 78
Ascent Upward Standing Dunk 6'4" vii'three" 67 fourscore ninety 98
Slithery Driving Layup 69 79 79 89 89 99 99
Driving Dunk 70 84 84 92 92 98 98
Amanuensis 3 Three Indicate Shot 68 83 83 89 89 96 96
Amped Mid-Range Shot 59 seventy 70 78 78 78 85 85 85
Three Betoken Shot 70 75 75 82 82 82 90 ninety 90
Blinders Mid-Range Shot 65 77 77 84 84 94 94
Three Betoken Shot lxx 80 80 89 89 97 97
Grab and Shoot 3 Point Shot 60 72 72 81 81 93 93
Claymore Three Signal Shot 55 69 69 76 76 76 86 86 86
Clutch Shooter Mid Range Shot 49 59 59 69 69 69 79 79 79
Three Point Shot 49 59 59 69 69 69 79 79 79
Comeback Kid Mid Range Shot forty 50 50 threescore 60 60 lxx lxx 70
Three Point Shot 48 58 58 68 68 68 78 78 78
Corner Specialist Three Indicate Shot 60 69 69 79 79 79 89 89 89
Deadeye Three Betoken Shot 71 82 82 91 91 99 99
Green Auto Mid Range Shot sixty 71 71 lxxx fourscore eighty 90 xc 90
3 Betoken Shot 60 73 73 82 82 82 91 91 91
Guard Upward Mid Range Shot 55 69 69 77 77 77 86 86 86
Three Point Shot 60 73 73 83 83 83 90 xc xc
Limitless Range Three Point Shot 74 85 85 92 92 99 99
Middy Wizard Mid Range Shot l 64 64 73 73 73 81 81 81
Slippery Off Ball Mid Range Shot xl 50 50 60 sixty 60 70 seventy 70
Three Point Shot 40 50 50 threescore 60 60 70 70 70
Infinite Creator Mid Range Shot 52 64 64 73 73 73 80 80 80
Iii Point Shot 53 65 65 74 74 74 83 83 83
Volume Shooter Mid Range Shot 45 59 59 68 68 68 78 78 78
Iii Point Shot 50 64 64 73 73 73 lxxx lxxx lxxx
Ankle Breaker Brawl Handle 5'7" 6'9" 55 65 65 71 71 71 81 81 81
Bail Out Pass Accuracy 65 78 78 85 85 85 94 94 94
Suspension Starter Laissez passer Accuracy 55 65 65 76 76 76 86 86 86
Clamp Breaker Ball Handle 64 77 77 87 87 96 96
Dimer Pass Accuracy 64 69 69 80 lxxx 80 85 85 85
Floor General Laissez passer Accuracy 62 68 69 79 79 79 86 86 86
Handles For Days Ball Handle 5'7" vii'0 70 85 85 94 94 99 99
Hyperdrive Brawl Handle 5'seven" 6'10 59 69 69 83 83 83 92 92 92
Speed With Ball 5'7" half dozen'10 55 67 67 80 eighty eighty 90 90 ninety
Killer Combos Brawl Handle five'vii" 6'10 65 78 78 88 88 97 97
Mismatch Good Ball Handle 71 86 86 93 93 98 98
Needle Threader Laissez passer Accuracy 65 seventy 70 86 86 86 92 92 92
Post Playmaker Laissez passer Accuracy 45 59 59 73 73 73 83 83 83
Quick Outset Step Mail service Control 80 87 94 99
Ball Handle 70 77 85 89
Speed With Ball 66 76 84 88
Special Delivery Pass Accurateness 47 57 57 67 67 67 77 77 77
Unpluckable Post Command 65 75 84 95
Ball Handle 65 75 84 95
Vice Grip Post Control 45 57 77 91
ball Handle 50 60 75 xc
Ballast Block 6'iv" 7'3" seventy 87 93 99
Ankle Braces Perimeter Defense 5'7" half-dozen'eleven" 55 67 67 76 76 76 86 86 86
Boxout Beast Offensive Rebound 48 67 82 94
Defensive Rebound 48 67 82 94
Strength 60 70 83 91
Brick Wall Interior Defense 6'5 7'3 72 89 96 99
Strength half dozen'5 7'3 65 76 86 94
Challenger Perimeter Defense 69 79 79 86 86 95 95
Chase Downward Artist Block 47 59 75 88
Clamps Perimeter Defense 5'seven" half-dozen'9" 70 86 86 92 92 97 97
Glove Steal 64 85 85 95 95 99 99
Interceptor Steal 58 78 78 90 90 99 99
Menace Perimeter Defence 5'seven" 6'10" 55 68 68 77 77 77 87 87 87
Off-Ball Pest Perimeter Defence 35 45 45 55 55 55 65 65 65
Selection Dodger Perimeter Defense 64 76 76 85 85 85 94 94 94
Pogo Stick Cake 67 83 92 98
Offensive Rebound 69 84 92 99
Defensive Rebound 69 84 92 99
Post Lockdown Interior Defense 68 eighty 88 93
Rebound Attorney Offensive Rebound 70 85 93 99
Defensive Rebound seventy 85 93 99
Piece of work Equus caballus Interior Defense 47 55 55 68 68 68 82 82 82
perimeter Defense 47 55 55 76 76 76 86 86 86

*New Bluecoat

  • How to Unlock the Gym Rat Badge in NBA 2K23

NBA 2K23 Takeover Guide

Takeovers are special abilities you can equip on your MyPLAYER that you can actuate later building upwardly your Takeover meters. Basically, similar getting hot in real life. While the main and secondary Takeovers remain the same, Squad Takeover has been redesigned.

In the last couple of versions, a player would activate Team Takeover for the entire squad and brand everybody hot after filling up the primary, secondary, and then Team Takeover meters in sequential order. For NBA 2K23, Team Takeover works as a cooperative team system with the entire team sharing a single meter. Each actor on the team has an equal portion that they're responsible for filling upwards by performing well on the court and being good teammates. Once each role player has filled up their portion of the meter, Team Takeover automatically fires off for the entire squad. The new design makes a lot more than sense and does a better job representing what it means to be hot as a squad and to take over the game equally a unit.

List of Takeovers


  • Avant-garde Gathers – Unlocks more than constructive spin, euro, hop footstep, cradle gathers.
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel Blowbys – Enhances the ability for slashers to shell defenders off the dribble.
  • Finishing Moves – Able to absorb contact and finish at the rim.


  • Limitless Range – Extends your shooting range out to the logos.
  • Pull-Up Precision – Boosts well-timed/aimed shots off the distill.
  • Spot-Up Precision – Boosts well-timed/aimed stationary spring shots.
  • Negative Impact – Reduces defensive bear upon against pull-ups and other skill shots.
  • Anklebreaking Shots – More anklebreakers off of spin and stepback jumpers.


  • Avant-garde Post Moves – Easier to beat defenders with postal service moves.
  • Power Backdowns – Easier to push defenders around when posting upward.
  • Mail service Playmaking – Boost your teammates' offensive abilities when passing out of the postal service.
  • Mail service Shot Daggers – Increased scoring ability with hooks, fades, shimmy shots, etc.


  • Glass Clearing Dimes – Later rebounds, kick-out passes boost your teammate'southward shooting.


  • Extreme Clamps – More stone wall and lost dribble trunk-up resolutions for locks.
  • Enhanced Jump Shot Contests – Boosts your power to contest jumpers.
  • Interior Bluecoat Driblet – Drops opposition's scoring badges down a tier in the paint.
  • Perimeter Bluecoat Drop – Knocks shooting badges down a tier when you lot become close.
  • Paint Intimidation – Boosts your ability to touch on shots effectually the rim.
  • Stuff Blocks – Unlocks more swat, backboard pins, and grab blocks.


  • Boxout Wall – Improves ability to seal off opponents for easy boards.
  • See the Hereafter – Shows where missed shots are going to terminate upwardly.


  • Mamba Mentality – You lot are able to change your Takeover abilities prior to whatsoever game.


  • Team Ratings Heave – Playmakers heave their teammates' offensive ratings.
  • Squad Takeover Heave – Boost your teammates' takeover meter progress.
  • Team Badge Heave – Boosts your teammates' badges up a tier.

Takeover Perks List & How to Earn Them

DECELERATOR – Slows downwardly how quickly your opponents attain Takeover if you are guarding them closely.

  • Complete Mamba Mentality to earn this perk

MINIMIZER – Opponent's activated Takeovers don't last as long when closely guarded.

  • Complete Mamba Mentality to earn this perk

SUPPRESSOR –Opponents with an active Takeover receive smaller attribute boosts when you are guarding them.

  • Complete Jackson Ellis Challenge Y to earn this perk

SABOTEUR – When a guarded opponent commits a turnover or bad shot, their Takeover meter gets a larger penalty.

  • Complete Jackson Ellis Challenge 10 to earn this perk

2nd CHANCE – When Takeover is full but not withal activated, making a mistake won't completely reset the meter.

  • Complete Mamba Mentality to earn this perk

SPONGE – When a teammate performs an activity to increase their Takeover meter, y'all get a modest boost to your own.

  • Complete LozoTheCrown Claiming X to earn this perk

EXTENDER – Extends the length of time that Takeover stays active.

  • Consummate Ricky Stat Claiming 10 to earn this perk

JUICE – Gives an actress boost to your attributes when Takeover is activated.

  • Complete Jackson Ellis Challenge Z to earn this perk

STAY WARM – Takeover meters won't drain as apace when performing poorly.

  •  LozoTheCrown Claiming Y to earn this perk

ACCELERATOR – Takeover meters fill faster when performing well on the court, allowing yous to get Takeover quicker.

  • Consummate Ricky Stat Challenge Y to earn this perk


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